Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Myth of Medical Marijuana

The Myth of Medical Marijuana

an argumentative essay

by Enikő Rácz

  The myth of marijuana as a medical treatment has reached a legendary amount of notification in the past few years.  It is time to finally reveal what the fuss is about.
 Debates about medical marijuana has been flourishing for a few decades now and it is not seeming to settle just yet. However controversial this topic may be, I will try to give ground to both of the parties, both to those who are for- and to those who are against it, to see what their argumentations are.
    First of all, on the one hand, medical marijuana is being supported by a big group of people who believe and can scientifically prove that marijuana can ease the pain and make the struggles of  chemotherapy be more endurable for the patients. Marijuana has a painkiller effect, which has been tested in many institutes of healthcare by scientists. Patients who used marijuana during and after their chemotherapy did not experience as much pain as those who refused to do the same.
  On the other hand, however, it is also believed by some people that marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug, not even mentioning the long-term disadvantages it may cause. For example you can relieve your pain, but in the meantime you get used to this effect and you eventually will want more, although your physical pain has already been gone. Addiction is always a serious matter, however, I believe in the power of portions and regulation.
  As for the portions, some say that by the regulations of  portions we can avoid addiction and by that we can only concentrate on the positive effects. Such effect can be noticed in the case of a Parkinson's victim, who is finally able to relax his muscles due to the positive effects of marijuana and does not have to worry about constantly shaking. Or in the case of those patients who are basically living off of the painkillers which the nurses and doctors prescribe for them. I cannot see how those medicines differ from marijuana in means of addiction. Somebody can become and addict of typical medical painkillers as much as marijuana. The most important thing and the most efficient thing is to keep it in portions.
  Nevertheless, marijuana has been tested and scientists have found out that it can actually kill cancer cells, which means it does not only relieve the pain the cancer treatment causes, but also kills the illness itself. If this is not the top of this plant's myth, then I do not know what is.
  In conclusion, medical marijuana still has a lot to go, but hopefully, someday in the near future people will be more acceptable regarding this method of medication and the world will be a better place.
  I personally am supporting the idea of medical marijuana, as well as everything which has even a tiny chance to help people. Although, the mystical case of this plant has not been solved, I am looking forward to see how things are going to change as the perception of people is growing.

Works cited:
(1) "Medical Marijuana" 10 Nov. 2016, 10:45 a.m.,

(2)   How Effective Is Medical Marijuana? Here's A Closer Look At 14 Different Uses By Karen Cicero -

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